If you’ve never had a professional massage, now is a good time to try it! I have a membership to Massage Envy that I started giving myself about 5 years ago. I’m a true believer in the health benefits of massage therapy. Not only is it an awesome way to pamper yourself, it gets you warm and helps with your circulation… that also keeps you warm. It relaxes you and helps decrease holiday stress and it’s affects on the body. I know everyone can’t afford a professional massage, but you can ask a friend or loved one to Massage you. You could also ask Santa! Or save up for one. I literally budget in my healthcare budget because it keeps me out of the doctors office. If all else fails, self massage is effective too! Check a reflexology chart and use those essential oils we talked about to massage your feet and hands.
Sunrise 7:42
Sunset 5:24
Wake up temp 43