Something we’ve been doing for a couple years now is apple cider vinegar. I’m no expert on ACV but I know it’s important to use organic and “with the mother” on the label. I use Braggs. So every night I heat water on the stove in my old fashioned whistling tea kettle. In a mug I put 2 tablespoons local raw honey, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and 2 tablespoons of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar. Mix the honey and cinnamon well before adding acv and hot water. This helps the cinnamon separate slower. Since we’ve been doing this my sinuses have been much clearer, my husband is off his reflux medication and he has had no more gall stones or surgeries. I really believe it’s kept my head cold from getting into my lungs and chest. (By the way, I’m feeling better.) Apple cider vinegar is good for all kinds of things. If for nothing else, it’s a warm, delicious, comforting, after dinner drink. Perfect on a cold night, and it makes you feel good that you’re taking care of yourself.

Sunrise 7:45

Sunset 5:47

Wake up temp -5

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