Daily Life has been kicking my butt. I’m in it to WIN it. So, it looks like we need a tie breaker! DL scored a few points this past week when I was unable to get in my scheduled Advent Yoga classes or post the past week’s worth of blogs. The research and planning was complete, but I had no time to execute the actual writing. I have decided to forgive myself and save the research for another appropriate time. AP scored a few points by being present in home life, finishing the Journey 2020 Bible reading commitment, and reveling in my very first White Christmas! I’m having trouble posting media in these posts and do not have time to fool with it right now. (Check out my Facebook page link below for photos and videos. https://www.facebook.com/runwildwiththehope/ )

When I sat down to write this I was originally thinking that I was going to admit defeat and let DL win this round. Then I started thinking about what I was actually doing that prevented me from doing the things I had set out to do and that I really wanted to do. All those things were Daily Life and they were beautiful. Each and every DL event that took me away from yoga, writing, and personal projects was actually an important priority that I CHOSE to be present for above the other things. This realization landed me the point that tied the score.

There are four days remaining to live out in 2020. I plan to live them being fully aware, fully present, easy on myself and others, shining light, speaking love, sharing hope and (even though the struggle is real) WINNING!

“May the odds be ever in your favor.”

“Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.”

“Grace be with all of you.”

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